Title quote by: Marriane Williamson
This week was fabulous because:
(in the order they happened)
spent some time being domestic
Thanks Amy & Myndi for your help
Sonia - I hope you enjoy them, You are beautiful inside and out. Praying that you will have strength and you will kick this cancer in the rear!
Went for an afternoon drive up Provo Canyon
Got to see 2 of my loves:
1 - Nature in the FALL
2 - Waterfalls
Spent some time reading, studying, praying & crying in
my new favorite spot
I like it because it is quiet.
I like it because it reminds me to have hope.
I like it because I can see the temple (Well at least Moroni).
a reminder to find joy and hope in all things
the green grass of summer, the orange leaves of fall, and the snow of winter
I taught my first Sunday School lesson
I have a great class, full of very FABULOUS teenagers from 12-15
We talked about President David O. McKay and his role as an ambassador for Christ
My Favorite quote from the lesson:
Thanks TODD for helping me with this. I really appreciate your insight
(even if you did make me cry)
Clean House & Laundry DONE!!
What is not fabulous about that!
A week of soup
Over and out
(Good news, I did lose 9 pounds last week)
Running with Stacey
I learned how to use the MAPS on my new phone
and didn't get lost going to Spanish Fork
(this might have happened the week before)
(Thanks Jeremy for teaching me how to use the phone (and talking me into getting it in the first place))
The Moon
Especially when I am running.
YES, I do sing "Somewhere out there" whenever I see a full moon.
A better understanding of "DESIRE"
Thanks Elder Oaks & Bro. Anderson
End of the Summer at Work
Everyone is a little less stressed because our busy season is over, but there are also a lot of people who come back to the office. This week I got to see a lot of my favorite sales team. It makes my job great when people really care about how you are doing.
Letting Go
Realizing that as much as I want to I can not make every choice for every person, and that includes making people like me or want to spend time with me. This is something that is SO HARD for me because I just want everyone (most importantly myself) to just be happy. This week I "let go" of a couple of relationships realizing that some things are just not meant to be, and it's okay. It doesn't make me or them bad people, it makes us human.
Cleaning out my e-mails and my desk
Isn't it nice to just declutter...
(of course it would have been nicer if it hadn't been because I am loosing my job)
Meeting new friends and spending time with Old one's
I have so many great people I call friends. This week I had the opportunity to meet a couple of new ones (Thank You K for a fun night!)
Late Night Texts
that are answers to prayers
It really really makes a girl feel GREAT when after saying a heartfelt prayer that just one thing will be okay in life she receives a text or an e-mail from someone, nothing to part the clouds and take away all of the bad, but just something to say "I'm thinking about you. or How are you"
(Thanks Wes and Myndi for your FABULOUS TIMING, They always come right when I need them)
Spending Time in the Smith Home
You know those houses where you always feel welcome, even if it is midnight, you need a shower, your makeup is smeared all over your face, and you are in your PJ's. That is the Smith house for me. Thanks for always letting me come down, even when it's not easy and all I want to do is cry. Thanks for helping me cry, and letting me feel the sweet spirit of your little family.
Priesthood Blessings
Spoke words that I needed to hear, gave me strength to look for the future, helped me find direction in this trying time. Gave me peace and conformation. Even an Amen. A tender mercy for sure.
A Phone Call From One of My Favorite People EVER
Can you please tell me what 15 year old teenager calls their Aunts, just because they "feel like you need to talk" like she called me because she felt like I needed to talk!?! Do you know how LUCKY I am. Sorry, but I have some of the very most amazing nieces and nephews in the entire world. Kaelee is one of the most special people in my life, and I love her so much. She is growing up to be a pretty amazing young lady (not to mention she is GORGEOUS). Thank you so much Sister Sue for thinking of me tonight. You may have made my whole week. Nothing like making Aunt Bec feel important and loved.
Dinner/Breakfast with Wes
My Friend Wes is AMAZING! As previously mentioned he always seems to know exactly when I need a special reminder of the good in life, and this week He has been that reminder TWICE! He took me to Dinner/Breakfast and just let me talk. He is kind enough to recognize that I may be keeping my game face up right now, and is still patient and kind enough to see that deep down I don't get it, and life is hard, but deeper down inside there is somebody inside me worth caring about. And He has a REALLY REALLY GREAT LAUGH - that I wish I could hear more often. Thanks Again Wes!
People (Particularly Bosses) Who are Good People
This week I found out my current position at Pinnacle is being eliminated, meaning at some point today (Friday) I will walk into a conference room and set down with my boss and the HR manager to conduct an exit interview, and then shortly after walk out the door and be unemployed. While I have been looking for the lightening cloud to strike me at any point, or the bus to come plow me over, or the train to be de-railed on my car because honestly...what else can happen; there have been two VERY GOOD MEN who have struggled with a decision that needed to be carried through. Rich Goates and John Barlow might forever be in my book as HERO's because I know that they truly care about me, and what a blessing they have been in my life. I feel like tomorrow I can walk away knowing that they did all they could do to give me opportunities to grow and improve. I have greatly appreciated all of their concern,support and patience through the last five years. What a blessing they have been in my life. Two people who have changed my life "for good".
speaking of
music has always been close to my heart, and it seems that this song has particular meaning this week as I have and continue to say goodbye and close a few different chapters in my life. To those in the Pinnacle Chapter I thank you. Life wouldn’t be the same without you and all the memories you have givin me. Know that in some way, you have changed my life "for good".
For Good from Wicked
(from Kristin Chenoweth's final performance)
Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.
I am pretty blessed aren't I.
Have a fabulous week.
Hey, that's the same age group Jason teaches in our Ward.
I love reading these posts. I feel like I'm getting to know you in a way I'd never be able to otherwise. And my suspicions that you are awesome are confirmed. :)
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