If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 5 ~ A picture of your favorite memory.

Can I make an honest confession:  It seems like I have been doing a whole ton of that lately.  Here it is... I don't really have favorites.  I don't have favorite foods, favorite movies, favorite drinks...Maybe I am just weird.  So when you ask for a picture of a favorite memory, well I don't really have one and only favorite but I do have a lot of really great ones.  You might be involved in one or two of them.  Here is one I will share:

Well kind of, this isn't really me, but imagine me in it

This year I was BLESSED to get to spend my Thanksgiving Day at a homeless shelter, serving corn.  This was an extremely humbling experience for me that has changed my way of thinking and softened my hard heart.

One of the very most touching moments of the day happened when a little girl came through the line to get her dinner and started crying because she was so thankful that she got a roll that day.  A simple piece of bread.  I was trying hard to keep from crying my eyes out, but I looked at her sweet mother and just lost it.  I am sure it was quite the sight: Me crying, the little girl crying, and the mom crying.  I don't think for as long as I live I will ever forget that.



Holly said...

you are amazing!!!!