If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


In case you didn't already know...I am one lucky lady. One of the reasons I am so lucky is because I have sweet nephews and nieces.  In February I was privileged to go to my sweet nephew Rusty's baptism.  He is such a sweet little kid (most of the time).  I always feel so honored to be part of these sweet kids life.

Jeremy's Family

Flashing our signature "I LOVE YOU" Sign...Specifically for Aunt Kristin today

Grandpa and Grandma with a few of the best kids in the world...I was so happy to see Colton there

Grandma & Grandpa with Rustin 

There are not many things that warm my heart like seeing these kids. It brought tears to my eyes as we pulled up to Jer's house and my sweet little Colton came running out of the house to welcome me.  I sure do miss these kids and wish I had more opportunities to spend time with them.

RJL - I am so proud of the choice that you made to get baptized.  I know that Heavenly Father is also very proud of you.  Keep doing what you are supposed to and you will continue to be blessed.
