If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 1

So I decided to steal something from my little sister Stef, that I think is totally fun. So for 30 days I get to document things about me. (Since no one reads this anyway, and eventually I will turn this into a book working for my journal)

Day 1:A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

I HATE pictures of myself
since the best most recent picture I have of me is below I will forgo the picture on this one.
Fifteen Facts:

1. I come from a family of 10 kids. I love it and feel bad for people who don't have very many siblings.

2. I have over 100 first cousins!  Wish I could keep in touch with them all...well most of them.  Just Kidding!

3. I have run 1 marathon in my life and hoping I can soon say that I have ran 2!

4. I don't like change.

5. I don't handle taking medicine very well, it makes me really crazy! (See my first post from January 2011)  I
do and say things that I would not normally do.

6.  When I was a teenager I wanted to start a school for Bums...I thought it would be a great source of income.  My plan was to teach them how to be a good bum and then charge them 10% of their income for a month.

7. I LOVE working with teenagers.   I think they could be the greatest group of people in the world.

8. I am not domestic in any way.  I can't cook, sew, make cute crafty projects or bake. But I know people who do, and I am not afraid to call them for help.

9. I believe in fairy tales coming true and happily ever after.

10. I believe that anything worth having is worth working for.  Things that come to us easily are usually not fully appreciated.

11. When I grow up I want to be a Mom

12. When I was little I used to pretend among many other things that I was Reba, and I was married to George Strait.

13. I wish that I could be described as a charitable person.

14.  I often have the best of intentions, but rarely follow through.  I like to celebrate when I do!

15. I love Music. Most often my thoughts in my head or my communications are through a song.

Hope you are doing well.



Holly said...

You are amazing!! love you! and yes I read your blog. Hope all is well with you and would love to chat sometime. :)