If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sunset 4.15.12

I am so stinkin lucky! It's true. I am a firm believer that AZ has some of the best sunsets. How lucky am I that I got to grow up seeing them everyday I wanted to for 20+ years

Honestly...I miss the sunsets...two reasons, most of the time I am still inside a building when it happens, and well...Utah has some pretty ones but they just don't get as pretty as the ones in AZ.

I think I love sunsets so much because in my mind (which has been crazy...once) its Heavenly Fathers way of saying "Whatever challenges the day brought you, know that there is beauty in it"


mad white woman said...

Oh yes, we have beautiful sunsets here. I love sunsets.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you...Arizona's sunsets are the most beautiful!-love ya Dawn