If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Shadow 4.7.12

So I didn't take the pic yesterday but I thought it was great anyway.

This was taken the weekend of my Dads birthday. My sisters are so creative and thoughtful and decided to heart attack my Dads grave for valentines. They spent hours creating adorable hearts with a picture of everyone.

We did the attacking early on the morning I came home. We decided to take a picture of our shadows to remember we were there because we all had a very "morning" look to us aka crazy hair, no makeup, pjs. You know.



mad white woman said...

Life's been crazy busy over here too... I don't have much time to blog, but I always take pictures. Otherwise I'd forget what I did day to day. Even if I never blog them, at least I have the memory. :)

I'll have to try deodorant on my face, it's pretty shiny.

Lastly, extra hugs and loves from me to you this week. I've been thinking about you guys a little more because of the holiday.