If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Giant Birthday Cake

Last night I realized I was missing something. When I was a little girl I remember waiting for forever for Santa Clause to come. It seems like he couldn't get here fast enough. For weeks I would think about what Christmas would be like, what I was going to get. I don't have that anymore, I honestly think it is because this month has been so full of the hustle and bustle of December. I have had a terrible problem of taking on way too much on this month, and not meaning to complain but because of that I feel like I haven't been able to fully enjoy the month. There have been a lot of things that I have wanted to do, but the reality is they probably aren't going to happen because I have just run out of time (and energy). *

I have taken a few quick moments this season to read a book by Emily Freeman called "A Christ Centered Christmas". It has been a really good learning experience for me. One of the things that I love that she shared was when she talked about driving somewhere with her young daughter and after singing a Christmas carol her daughter said "Mom, I believe in Santa Clause and you believe in Jesus Christ" I thought that was cute! From that she decided that she needed to do a better job at teaching her children the real meaning of Christmas.

When I saw the following video I couldn't help but think of that cute little girl who believed in Santa Clause and know that while she probably does believe in Santa Clause she also believes in Jesus Christ. I love the excitement of Christmas that little kids have.

Now this is a completely rhetorical question but I am going to throw it out there. What are you going to do today to help light up the world? I hope that during the "busy busy" of the day you can find sometime to accomplish that. May you find a moment to remember the real reason we are celebrating.

Have a good night!
On a personal note: I am heading to a new doctor tomorrow, meaning more tests. Hopefully she can figure out what is wrong with me! Looking forward to what she has to say!

*You are probably thinking "What the heck...if you didn't spend so much time writing this blog that nobody reads you would have a lot more time in the world. My response to that is this: Yes you are 100% right but this is one of the 3 things that is keeping me sane and somewhat focused this year.


Sunday, December 12, 2010


"Before faith or knowledge is found, before joy or happiness is experienced, before the healing begin, one emotion starts to stir from deep within the depths of despair. It is hope." - Emily Freeman

The last few months I have had many many opportunities to reflect on hope, to evaluate what I hope for, and to realize what I hope in.  I was able to attend Time Out for Women twice this year, the theme this year was infinite hope.  One of my favorite things that I took away from the meeting was this - The things I find Hope in will sustain me while I wait for the things on my hope for list to happen.  How great is that!  I love it when a simple truth hits me on the head and just make since but brings me comfort and peace and clarity.  

This Christmas season I have had many opportunities to recognize HOPE in my life.  I have hope in the atonement of Jesus Christ, I have hope in the Lords plan of happiness, I find hope in a knowledge that my Savior and Father in Heaven know me personally.  I find HOPE in the knowledge that my Savior does not make up the differences in my life, but that He makes all the difference.  I find HOPE in knowing that He will be with me in my darkest hours, to help me and comfort me, to give me strength and help me see JOY!  

This weekend my hope increased... I was so blessed to spend one last weekend with two of the cutest kids in the world.   After spending about 3 hours of trying to keep Mason asleep and finally figuring out He would stay asleep if he could feel my hand My HOPE was strengthened and increased.  I find HOPE in knowing that someday I will be able to be a mother.  My hope was increased again when I read the blog of a sweet example in my life who was able to take her 2nd little adopted angel to the Temple to be sealed to their Family.  Hope is alive in me, and I know it is because I have a Father who loves me.  

I love the following clip from Elder Holland.  Someday's it is hard for me to realize that I am not in charge, and than all of my blessings won't come when I demand them, but I have HOPE that they will come! 

May you all find hope in this Christmas season.  


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Where's the line to see Jesus

So... I have decided if I want to have a Christ centered Christmas I need to center my life around Christ.  Pretty simple right, but that is me, most of the time I put way to much work into thinking of a solution that I miss the simplicity of the real answer.  I have found a lot of really good ideas from a book by Emily Freeman "A Christ Centered Christmas".

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is always going to the Forgotten Carols by Michael McLean.  I have seen this show quite a few times (It is on DVD) and every single time I am completely touched and taken back by what seems to be a different part of the program.  Of course I will be honest and say I cried through the whole thing but there was several parts that particularly called my name.

A song that for years has touched my heart "What I need"

All I ever wanted,
All I ever dreamed of
Everything I hoped
And all the things I prayed for
Couldn't hold a candle to what I've been given
I've been given what I need

No mansion on a hill
Or Love like in the movies
Perfect little dreams
Where no one has a problem
Instead of all those things I thought I really wanted
I've been given what I need

Even when I didn't understand
When I thought you had no heart
Thank you for rejecting my demands
And always giving me the better part

All I ever wanted,
All I ever dreamed of
Everything I hoped
And all the things I prayed for
Couldn't hold a candle to what I've been given 
I've been given what I need
(Michael McLean)

Now don't call me crazy, I still wish for things - - Prince Charming, perfect Children, a house, to be finished with school.  But I know that right now at this very moment in my life I have what I need.  I firmly believe that there will be a time and a place for those things in my life, but it's not today.  

How thankful I am for the times that my loving Father in Heaven has said "No" even to some of the very most righteous desires of my heart.  In the last four years I feel like I have grown up a lot and become more of who I was meant to be instead of a selfish little girl who I had been.  How thankful I am for a patient Father in Heaven who doesn't give up on me, even when I give him plenty of grief.  

What a blessing it is to me to have this holiday season to remember and try to give thanks for the wonderful gift of the Savior of the world.  May we all find time to remember Him this month. May we spend as much if not more time looking for Jesus as we do for Santa


Friday, November 26, 2010

To start the season:

Confession:  I like many of you want to be a better person.  I want to be more Christ like, more giving, more quick to lend a hand, less selfish, slower to judge, a better peacemaker.  I have had several thoughts on my mind especially the last month, and I have come to a decision.  This holiday season I want to make it a truly "Christ Centered Christmas"... I am looking for any ideas to help me accomplish this.  Any suggestions?


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day


Ray Stevens- Thank you


One Year Older and Wiser too....


To Me you are:

  • Someone who knows me and still loves me
  •  Someone who knows when I need a hug
  •  Someone who makes me smile when you think of them
  • Someone to think about when the windows rattle in a storm
  • Someone who makes the world a better place by just being there
  • Someone who accepts me for who and what I am
  • Someone who stands by me even on your off days
  •  Someone who would walk through pouring rain to pick a flower for me
  •  Someone to laugh, cry or play with me when you need a friend
  •  Someone to help me in the tough times but let me learn from my mistakes
  • Someone who knows what I am worth it
  • Someone who takes time out of her crazy busy life of being a mom and wife to make sure I get a spiritual message just for me
  • Someone who is great, just because you are you
  • Someone who I miss everyday, but I know you are always there when I need you
  • Someone who is patient with me, even when I don't call or write
  • Someone who I can't imagine not being in my life
  • Someone I thank Heavenly Father for every day

I hope that you have a great day!  Wish I could be there to enjoy it with you.  Love you tons!

ps...Don't die of shock, but your present is in the mail!  


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

But if not...

Do you ever look at your life and think "I thought it would be different" or "When I am 25 I am going to be..."  Hold that thought, I may get back to it.

So as told in my last post, changes were coming, and most of those changes have come.  On September 19th, after putting on a lovely "Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful" ball for our Young Women and their dads the night before I was released from my calling as the first councilor in the Young Women Presidency.  While I had had weeks to prepare for the release it was still really hard. I have come to love the Young Women and the leaders who I was blessed to serve with so much.  My visiting teacher hit the nail right on the head when she said "It's like your loosing your family".  I feel like that!  These wonderful young ladies have become some of my closest friends as we have served together, prayed together, fasted together, cried together, worried together, spent a lot of really late nights talking together, and loving each other together.

"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected." 
 ~Nicholas Sparks

It has been really hard adjusting to it, and still after a month I still wake up on Tuesday morning stressed about what we are doing for our activity, and remembering what I forgot I said I would do and then forgot to do.  I have had a few of those "Are they going to be alright without me" feelings, and there have been times that I still just break right down and cry like a baby.  Call me crazy but I hate change.  I thought I would be a lot less busy, but not true! I am still just as busy, but I think it is a different busy now.  I have actually been able to pick up another class on Tuesday night which has been nice. 

Segueing on... But if not... 

I loved LOVED LOVED! watching General Conference a couple of weeks ago.  Can I make an honest confession? Yes I can because this is my blog ... This was the first time in a REALLY long time that I actually watched or listened to all the sessions.  There were so many messages that I needed to hear.  I felt so very good about life after it was over.  One distinct impression was that I needed to earnestly pray for the things that are important to me and be more diligent and say more heartfelt prayers.  That Sunday night after conference I had a very interesting experience, similar to ones I have had in the past where I say something in my prayer and think THAT IS NOT WHAT I WAS THINKING!, in other words a small answer, usually having to do with the condition of where my heart is and where it needs to be.   Anyway I am praying away pouring out my heart about something I really want and something that is a good thing and then out of my mouth comes the words: "BUT IF NOT" what!!!  Yep it actually came out of my mouth.  I decided this was a lesson I really need to learn.  When I was a little girl I had my life planned out perfectly down to the color of hair my children would have.  I was going to be successful, the coolest mom on the block(probably because that was my mom), and the most popular lady in the ward (yah, I am not really sure where that one came from).  When I moved to Utah I was going to finish my degree in 2 years and be making my millions... hopefully you get my point, life hasn't exactly turned out the way I thought it would, but that doesn't mean it can't be happy.  I think that I need to learn right now that it is really great to have dreams and plans and to work towards making those dreams come true "BUT IF NOT" it is just fine to be happy and bloom right where you are planted.  

Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. 
~ Margaret Lee Runbeck

"BUT IF NOT" I need to remember that I am not alone in this life that I have a Heavenly Father and a Savior who love me, and that I am truly blessed. The times when I feel alone are the times that I stop looking for those who love, looking for those who care, looking for those who want to see me be happy.  

My release from Young Womens has left with the opportunity to make some decisions (Yuck)!  The biggest of where I want to go to church.  While I have loved and needed to be in the family ward I decided to start attending a singles ward (AAAAHHH).  Now please don't take this as a plea to fix my current marital status - Not the purpose at all.  I have just felt like I needed something to shake me up and make me grow a little bit (WOW!! I can't believe I actually admitted that out loud, hope it doesn't backfire on me) and that a singles ward is the place to do that. I actually went to my first one on Sunday, and I survived.  It didn't feel like home yet, but it will get there... "But if not"...    

Hope you are all doing well.  Please let me know if I can do anything for you.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

If you were an adjective

joy  (joi)
1.a. Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness.
   b. The expression or manifestation of such feeling.
2. A source or an object of pleasure or satisfaction:
3. The feeling I had after being able to go to my Brothers wedding & go to Seattle to see some of my favorite people.

ex·haus·tion (g-zôschn)
1. The act or an instance of exhausting.
2. The state of being exhausted; extreme fatigue:
3. The feeling I had after driving to Arizona, 
spending less than 36 hours there, driving home 
and then flying making a quick one day trip to Seattle.

It was worth every minute of it.  

So, August 15th I got a call saying that my brother Jeff was getting married on the 21st.  I love it when people preface a conversation with "It's really not that big of deal", especially when it involves my family. Everything is a big deal, especially a wedding!  I have seen people who have dealt with feeling like they are "no big deal" and I never want any of my family to ever feel like I think they are "no big deal".  Okay, stepping off my soap box, I was able to make travel arrangements with my Jeremy to drive to Arizona Friday night after work. We were about 4 hours later on our trip than I wanted to be, but we had a good time.  

We spent Saturday morning getting the "Old Chev" in working order so we could take it for a drive, and then after running out of gas, jumping it twice we made it to Feezors to catch the monster catfish.  Note to self.... When you tell the 5 year old that in order to catch the big fish you have to be quite you are going to end up with this:

No one could even move without him "shusshing" us.  It was cute for maybe the first 20 seconds but it got old really fast.  

Of course the big fish decided to hibernate at the bottom of the lake so after about 45 min or so the boys decided that swimming was much more fun which turned into Dee becoming a human diving board.  I think they all had fun though:

Saturday afternoon was the wedding.  It was so very simple, but so pretty, and very moving.  I am so happy that Jeff and Amy have found each other.  They have both had very difficult lives but are a good support to each other.  I look forward to getting to know her better and am so happy she is part of our family!  

After the wedding we all went to dinner and had so much fun.  It is days like that I miss being closer to family.  

Sunday Morning Jer's& his  boys were up at the crack of dawn, and we were headed for home.  It was a fun little road trip with the four of them.  I made it home that night in time to get my stuff packed and try and get to sleep so that I could wake up at 4 am the next morning to catch my flight to Seattle for work.

I will spare you all the details of the trip and stick to the important parts: Washington is beautiful (the weather was nice that day), Traffic from Seattle to Olympia is crazy, I loved spending time with my sweet niece Shaina Dawn, Cheesecake factory food is nothing to write home about but the cheesecake makes up for it for sure, My cousin Doug & his wife have a super cute baby and I don't travel well!  

Funny story - - - My legs are too short to touch the floor in the airplanes and so my legs are usually dead by the time and killing me by the time my flight is over.  I wore my tall heavy shoes on the flight and I was considering amputation at one point on the return flight.  

Needles to say after that trip I was in bed for a day trying to recover but like I said it was worth every minute of it. 

P.S. Jami I don't know if you read my blog anymore but if you do I hope that you had a happy birthday.  I remembered that it was your birthday as I was flying out to Seattle.  I hope that you were able to make it as fun as you wanted!  


So back to the title question:  What is the first adjective that you use to describe yourself?  

Hope you are doing well....big changes are coming for me, stay tuned for the next post!  

Please let me know if I can do anything for you!  


Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm Engaged!!!

Made you look didn't I.  Okay so maybe I should explain.... 
You were probably thinking something like this right?

Well my life isn't that exciting!

I am talking about this:

Gotcha didn't I 

One of UVU's Slogans or programs or focuses is "Engage"
After a lot of study and decision making I am once again registered for a semester at Utah Valley.

I started classes this week and I am looking forward to yet another semester of my track to be an eternal student.

Hope this finds you all well!  

Ps - Someday I might actually update on what is going on with my life.  


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Today was a fairy tale...

actually this week has been a fairy tale. Maybe not the kind that you read about it all of the books, not the one you watch on TV, not the one you will tell to your daughters as a bedtime story but the story of an ordinary girl. There was no prince on a white horse ( darn it ). There was however a wicked queen and some very naughty goons, but there presence in the story is only one of anger and disgust.  Sometimes the girl in our story lets these naughty goons and many others make her feel like she is small, worthless, and insignificant.

Over the years I have been exposed to many beautiful languages—each of them is fascinating and remarkable; each has its particular charm. But as different as these languages can be, they often have things in common. For example, in most languages there exists a phrase as magical and full of promise as perhaps any in the world. That phrase is “Once upon a time.”

Aren’t those wonderful words to begin a story? “Once upon a time” promises something: a story of adventure and romance, a story of princesses and princes. It may include tales of courage, hope, and everlasting love. In many of these stories, nice overcomes mean and good overcomes evil. But perhaps most of all, I love it when we turn to the last page and our eyes reach the final lines and we see the enchanting words “And they lived happily ever after.”

Isn’t that what we all desire: to be the heroes and heroines of our own stories; to triumph over adversity; to experience life in all its beauty; and, in the end, to live happily ever after?

Today I want to draw your attention to something very significant, very extraordinary. On the first page of your Young Women Personal Progress book, you will find these words: “You are a beloved daughter of Heavenly Father, prepared to come to the earth at this particular time for a sacred and glorious purpose."

While this week has been chalk full of challenges and moments when I wanted to scream, cry, and go back to bed this week has also been full of a lot of good.  I was able to hear encouraging words that made me want to look for the positive, and while I wasn't perfect at it (especially after being at work until 10:30), it is something I want to keep working on.  I was able to attend a fabulous fireside where President Uchtdorf spoke to us about our fairy tales (Italics sections).  Friday night I was blessed to go to the MTC devotional where I got to spend a little time with my sweet Hermana.  I am so exited for her to serve in Chili.  She has grown so much, in leaps and bounds and is ready to share the gospel.  Friday I was able to attend a beautiful temple session with some dear friends.  Probably the icing on the cake came today as I once again was able to spend some time with President and Sister Monson at the MTC.  This is my 3rd year doing this, and I always feel so honored and blessed. The things I remember from Pres. Monson's talk was that even when we think we can't do things, if we will make the Lord our constant companion we will accomplish.  But the fairy tale.... Yes the fairy tale came this afternoon when the girl of our story realized that She is not alone in this life, and that every trial and challenge, victory and success are just helping her to create her "happily ever after".

Sisters, those words are true! They are not made up in a fairy tale! Isn’t it remarkable to know that our eternal Heavenly Father knows you, hears you, watches over you, and loves you with an infinite love? In fact, His love for you is so great that He has granted you this earthly life as a precious gift of “once upon a time,” complete with your own true story of adventure, trial, and opportunities for greatness, nobility, courage, and love. And, most glorious of all, He offers you a gift beyond price and comprehension. Heavenly Father offers to you the greatest gift of all—eternal life—and the opportunity and infinite blessing of your own “happily ever after.”

Today, I am filled with hope, knowing that even when things don't turn out the way I think they should, or the goons and goblins come and try to tear me apart that someone else sees a bigger picture.  He knows who I will become, and thankfully He is patient enough to help me get there.  

 ...And the day will come when you turn the final pages of your own glorious story; there you will read and experience the fulfillment of those blessed and wonderful words: “And they lived happily ever after. 
Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Sunday, June 20, 2010

A happy day indeed -

Confession:  I completely forgot all about fathers day... Actually I might have remembered it once, but it was only to remember to do something about it later...

With that being said, I have spent a lot of time the last few days thinking of all the wonderful fatherly examples in my life, particularly that of my own Dad.

Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes.  
~Gloria Naylor

How true this is in my life.  I know growing up I couldn't wait to get away from home, but now I sit back and have fond remember when memories of times that my dad and I shared together.  I remember one time in Young Womens we had a daddy daughter date where we decorated cakes...He had the best looking porcupine cake in the room.  

My dad taught me how to change the oil and change a tire.  He taught me how to love my mother as I watched him care for his mother.  He taught me how to hit a ball, I still let the first pitch go by because that is what he does.  

How thankful I am that my Dad was brave enough to love a lady and her four boys and continue to create a wonderful family that while we may not be perfect we are working on it.  I am also grateful that he was willing to do what it took to get our family to the temple.  I don't think I will ever forget walking into the sealing room, I don't think I really understood what was happening since on the trip to Mesa I asked my dad where they were going to get jars big enough to "seal" us in.  I do remember knowing that it was forever.  

My Dad has always worked hard to provide me with the opportunities I wanted.  He listened painfully through violin practices, piano lessons, me singing "I am a princess" at the top of my lungs.  He has watched a hundred concerts, set through a lot of parades and football games.  I always knew that even when he wasn't there physically he was thinking of me, and he wanted to be there.  

My Dad taught me to enjoy nature and the beauty in it.  Some of my favorite memories involve a camping trip.  He taught me to slow down and just appreciate it.  He helped me discover the joys of traveling to see new places, even if I didn't appreciate it at the time.  He has given me a love for all history.  He has taught me the importance of patriotism, and the love for God and country.  It is hard for me to hold back the tears every time I see him stand and put his hand over his heart in reverence for the flag and our beautiful country.  

People who know my dad often tell me that I have his eyes.  My dad has beautiful blue eyes, and I am always amazed that people would compare our eyes.  

I am so very grateful for my Dad, and when I think of all the things that he has done for me it makes my heart want to sing, and I am filled with happiness indeed.  

So today, from a million miles away, I wish you a Happy Fathers Day!  

The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
~Author Unknown

I love you Dad!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Did she fall off the face of the earth???

No, even though sometimes I wish I could, Just been busy/crazy!  A lot going on!  

Some things that I actually remember to document about in the last 6 months (yikes!)

Earlier in the year I was traveling quit a lot for work.  One of those trips was a trip to "Sin City" Las Vegas.  Since we didn't have to pay for a hotel room I talked my sisters into meeting me over there.  While it still holds true to its name we did have a good time.  My directions before we went out on the strip was to keep your eyes focused on the buildings... Do not look down, do not look at the billboards, do not look at the people!  While we were a little shell shocked (Especially Kristin) we did manage to have a good time.  I was amazed at the people who were pretending to have fun!  Of course the favorite of everyone was the water show at the Bellagio.  Really pretty!
LAS Vegas

In other news... My little sister received her mission call in March.  It was kind of a stressful month, she put her papers in and made the appointment with the temple to get her endowments, but they wouldn't let her go through before she received her call.  She scheduled the date for the temple anyway knowing that her call should come at least a week before she was supposed to go through.  Well the week of her endowments came and still no call.  I had already made one trip to Phoenix that week for work, but had tickets to fly back the next day!  Well, on Friday, the night before she was supposed to receive her endowments she finally received her call.  Poor girl, had to wait for Jeremy and his family to get there to open it, and then she had to wait for Shell & Steph, we didn't open the mission call until after 10pm.  She is going to the Santiago Chili West Mission.  After the temple we had an easter egg hunt, went and rode dirt bikes, shot guns and played in the wind.  It was a fun weekend to be home.  

Mission Call Weekend

Kristin went into the Empty Sea in Provo on May 5th.  She is learning the language really quickly and growing spiritually by leaps and bounds. I got to surprise her on Tuesday and go to the devotional with her.  Elder Hales was the speaker.  She will leave for Chili around July 5th, and I think she is ready to get out.  She is in a companionship of three, one companion is 6'2", she is 5'5", and her other companion is 4'10", they were laughing about being the AT&T bars.  It was so good to see her.  I am so proud of her.   

Kristin going into the Empty Sea

Other than that life just keeps going fast and faster.  I was able to go to youth conference last week with our ward youth.  It was a fabulous time, where we had a lot of opportunities to demonstrate courage.  I am always grateful for the blessings that I receive when spending time with teeneagers.  These kids are amazing!

Hope everyone is doing well.


Friday, May 28, 2010

If only....

I was the woman the little girl inside me sees.

Working on it! Thanks Jandee for sharing!  


Saturday, May 8, 2010

To My Angels:

A Child's Angel
by Erma Bombeck

Once upon a time, there was a child ready to be born.

She asked God:

"They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"

God: "Among the many angels, I chose one especially for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."

Child: "But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, and that's enough for me to be happy. Will I be happy there?"

God: "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. You will feel your angel's love and be happy."

Child: "How am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language that men talk?"

God: "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear. With much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."

Child: "And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"

God: "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."

Child: "I've heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?"

God: "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking her own life."

Child: "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."

God: "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you."

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard.

The child, in a hurry, asked softly:

"Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."

God: "Your angel's name is of no importance.
You will call your angel ... Mommy."

How grateful I am to all of the "Mommy's" in my life, especially my dear sweet Mom. She has taught me so much of charity and love, of forgiveness, or seeing the very best in people, and she is closer to the Savior than anyone else I know. Even now as I have struggles in my life she still reminds me that I am not alone, and that I need to turn to My Heavenly Father and rely on the atonement to make it through this life. She has not had an easy life, and I have caused a lot of those gray hairs she tries to hide, but she still loves me unconditionally. Thank you Mom!

Thanks to all of you other "Mommys" who have been such wonderful examples to me. I have been truly blessed by the mothers in my life, whether you wear the title of grandma, sister & sister in laws, aunt, cousin, friend. Your children are so lucky to have you in their lives, as am I.

“Motherhood …is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels." 
 ~James R. Clark

"We know that birth takes a woman from one place in her life to another. The birth of a child certainly does change her viewpoint of herself and I believe her viewpoint of the world." 
 ~ Sameerah Shareef

Happy Mothers Day to You All!
