If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Friday, November 26, 2010

To start the season:

Confession:  I like many of you want to be a better person.  I want to be more Christ like, more giving, more quick to lend a hand, less selfish, slower to judge, a better peacemaker.  I have had several thoughts on my mind especially the last month, and I have come to a decision.  This holiday season I want to make it a truly "Christ Centered Christmas"... I am looking for any ideas to help me accomplish this.  Any suggestions?



Holly said...

would it be selfish of me to say to come visit me??? Okay it would be and that is not very Christ like. sorry... Love you and I can't wait to hear about Thanksgiving.

the cates said...

i feel the same way! please share the ideas you get i would LOVE to hear them!