If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A good day

Christmas Eve we went sledding with my Uncle Kim & his Family.  It was a good day, a very good day.  I love my cousin and her sweet little kids who we have adopted as our nieces and nephew. We only had two major wipe outs, one was my sweet niece Shaina (Sorry I wasn't there to see it) and the other was me and little Miss B (little girls with me in the top picture).  She trusted me to get her down the big hill safely.  I failed. But she has one smart Momma who picked her up, cleared the snow off her face and put her back on the sled and took her down the little hill to let her know it was okay.  A good day. 


mad white woman said...

Yay for good days! Hope you have lots more coming down the pipes. :)