If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our Time to Stand

This morning I had the opportunity to go to the temple with some of my dear sweet friends. As I was waiting for the session to start (We were late, I was supposed to pick everyone up at 6:30 and I was using a clock that hadn't switched to daylight savings time yet - still feel bad about that sorry ladies!) ...I had a thought about an e-mail that I received from several diffrent people based on the HBO show Big Love. My heart felt a little bad for those who are so set on trying to mock something I hold very dear and sacred. I am so very thankful for the covenants that I have made in the temple, and for the blessings and promised that I have received there. It truly is the our Father's house.

This whole week I have thought about how this is as President Hinkley told us it would be the time to “Stand a little taller and work a little harder and value a little greater the marvelous blessing which you have as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That membership will bring with it a strong and moving testimony of the divinity of the Son of God, the Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ.

“You and I are sons and daughters of God, with something of divinity within us. Let us stand tall, my brothers and sisters. Let us live the gospel. Let us be busy in the Church. Let us learn of its doctrine. Let us feed upon its teachings. Let us grow in faith and faithfulness before the world” (meeting, Cairns, Australia, 26 Jan. 2000).

May we find strength in each other as we stand together and lift those around us.


Holly said...

you never cease to amaze me. I am so greatful that you and I are friends. You are a wonderful example to me and our boys. I love you and miss you so very much.

Hanie said...

This is what I needed! Being here in Germany I feel like if I take a true stand against beer and my belief as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that I will offend people by being in their presence. But what I really need to do is make it known that I don't like that constant disrespect to my beliefs and my Savior. I am in search of peaceful words that do not offend others so I am not offended. I can always depend on you to bring light into my life!

Devin and Melinda said...

That's the truth! It's good to be reminded that we are "standing taller" together...not alone.

I have been feeling rough lately, but I'm sending the kids to visit grandparents for their spring break this week....so things are looking up! How have you been?