If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Monday, March 9, 2009

My HATE HATE relationship with Day Light Savings

I was raised in Arizona where as my dad likes to say (Please don't be offended) we only have White Mans Time - meaning no day light savings. Since I have lived in Utah I have always had a huge issue with the time change. This year I swore it was going to be different, but here I am looking at the clock that says 11:54, but knowing in my head that it is really 10:54 and I have been up since 3am (White Man's Time). Since my body knows that I still have a good 3 hours before I am going to go to bed, but my mind is done thinking science so I decided to finish my taxes and look at my blog. I was successful in completing my taxes (Always fun to get a refund) and decided to attack my blog. I was looking for a fun festive background and somehow managed to delete my entire template. Everything cute and fun about my blog is gone. I think I know how I did it, but it isn't letting me go back and change it. I know there is another reason for my mistake, but I am blaming it on day-light savings I still hate it! It will be better in the fall - I will get to add another hour of sleep :)

I guess it gives me a reason to give my blog a face lift, it just might take me a little while.


Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

I am right there with you sister! This time change is KILLING me! And my poor piano students yesterday were totally dragging, because their little bodies hadn't acclimated to the change yet either...why do we do this again??

Holly said...

you are so cute. It is a hard adjustment even if you have done it all your life. We finally made it home at 5:30 pm. It has been a stinking long day. No I don't have the book. I hope all is well with you. we love you.

Hanie said...

I don't want to hear about the scary stories and daylight savings because I have never had to do it (because of White Mans Time) but will go through that change in 2 weeks. (Why Europe doesn't change till the 29th). Not looking forward to loosing an hour of sleep - I treasure too much of what I can get.