If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Hats off to all Moms

I have a 4 year old pug, Missy, who I had to leave in AZ when I moved to Utah. She is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever known, but last night she I and I had a few words, and I remembered how much I appreciate all of you moms. I have always had a weak stomach, so last night when my Missy started to throw up, so did I. I hate throw up, everything about it. When I smell it or see it, I start throwing up as well. Needless to say it has been a long night, and a long morning.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

As I am sitting here tonight I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. I have decided that it doesn't matter all of the things I forgot to do, the cards I didn't have time to send, the carols I didn't sing. What is important to me this Christmas eve is that my Savior and older Brother was born in a humble stable, that he lived a perfect life, and that he suffered for my sins, my pains, and my heartaches. He knows the pains and the temptations that I deal with, and he has not left me alone. He has cried my tears and shared in my successes. Through Him miracles are performed, through him I find my greatest hopes, joys and peace. May we all spend a few moments this week with thoughts of the miracles that have blessed our lives. I hope that as you enjoy your Christmas that you are able to feel the love of our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas ~ I love you all

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Which Lady from Twilight are you?

So I took a quiz(I know I am supposed to be writing a paper, but Heidi said I had to have a little bit of fun today :))Anyway it was to see which Character you are most like in Twilight. This was my result, and can I just say I am not happy about it. Any personal coaching would be greatly appreciated! But on a positive note she does end up with the guy in the end right?

Isabella Swan

Bella is very pale with long, straight, and brown hair. She always had few friends and is incredibly clumsy, which leads her to avoid all sports. She also loves hiking, cliffdiving, and motorcycling, but hates parties. She drives a Chevrolet Truck, since she doesn't care about fanciness and speed. In relationship, her lack of self esteem sometimes took her long to make her realize that she's actually worth it to many guys. She also tends to maintain a smooth, romantic relationship.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Another Thought

Two thousand years ago, two fisherman left their nets and walked away from everything that would hold them back from coming to know Jesus Christ. Heeding his invitation, they followed the Savior and were blessed to experiance incredible events, which burned an undeniable testimony upon their souls. If we are willing, we too can find opportunities that will allow us to come to know the Savior Personally. - Emily Freeman

My desire today is for all of us ... to have more straightforward personal experiences with the Savior's example. Sometimes we seek heaven too obliquely, focusing on programs or history or the experiance of others. These are imporant but not as important as personal experience, true discipleship, and the strength that comes from experiencing firsthand the majest of His touch - Jeffrey R. Holland

This week as I have tried to determine what I have filling my nets or what I allow to hold me back from having a better relationsip with the Savior I am reminded of how human I am, but as Isaih teaches (One of the only things I comprehend from Him) even when I fall short and seem to be discouraged, or as I continue to sin that the Lords hand is stretched out still. The invitation to us is the very same one He gave to the fisherman long ago:Come and See (John 1:46) I have realized that the more I come to him the more I am able to see.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I have decided that this year I am going to spend more time focusing on Christ and giving then the commercialism of Christmas that I normally focus on. I feel like I am so blessed to have the knowledge that I do, and that I can celebrate his birth. I saw this video tonight, and after having a very wonderful experience I thought I would share it with you. I hope this finds you well and happy, and that it warms your heart and reminds you of the love that our Savior has for each one of us.