If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I think I have lost my mind

I really need to be working on my YW lesson or the talk I am supposed to be giving tomorrow, but I had to share this! Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely hate heights with a passion. Although I have joked about skydiving being on my list of things to do before I die, I never really thought that I could actually do it. Today I went to lagoon with some friends from work, and earlier this week we were joking about riding the sky coaster, a ride that tries to give you the same effect as sky diving. Well, I kind of played with the idea, and said yes that I do it, but I knew I could always chicken out. Well Melissa & Caleb didn't let me. Before I could talk them out of riding it, they had my ticket. I was so completely scared out of my mind, I was shaking while they were suiting me up, and then to make matters worse they told me that I had to pull the cord to release us. Basically they pull you up pretty high and then you pull the cord and you free fall and swing for a while. The whole way to the top I kept thinking I was going to pass out or hyper-ventilate I was so scared! Pulling the cord wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, because I knew when the drop was coming.I was really nervous about it, but I am so glad that I did it. I am still on an adrenaline high. Guess what! Sky diving is defiantly back on my list of things to do! Defy Gravity!


Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

Girl, you Have lost your mind. But I'm so proud of you for conquering your fear. You are my hero. I really hope you do make it up here sometime. Jonathan will be leaving in just over a week and I would be so glad for some company.

Holly said...

wow, I am impressed. yes you are welcome here anytime you want to come. The boys can't wait to see you. I updated mine so you will have to go and check it out. When you come you will have to teach me how to do all of the fun stuff. How did your talk go? Call me or something. We will chat with you soon. Love ya

Hanie said...

You are definitely braver than I am and probably the little toaster too! Way to conquer Miss Dare Devil herself. I am just getting used to roller coasters but you have conquered flying. Good job. Glad you kept your cookies in your stomach.

Devin and Melinda said...

Great job Becca! When I went on that ride, I was really glad that I wasn't the one who had to pull the cord. I probably would have chickened out and told them to put me down. Pulling the cord after they leave you up there just long enough for you to wonder what the heck you're doing up there anyway has to be worth a lot too!

Devin and Melinda said...

Also email me your phone # when you get a chance

Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

Nice Job!! Please tell me you yelled something embarrassing as we did when we flew this @ lagoon!! Your incredible (as always!)!