If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Shell, Stef & Kris came to see me this weekend. It was so much fun to see them. Sometimes it is hard bieng up here away from my family, so it is always a treat to see them. We had a great time including tag at the park, running through the sprinklers, game night, temple square, a cute chick flick, and a good game of bowling where I bowled an amazing 48. Thank you very much, I am thinking about going pro soon! Amazingly enough after game night there weren't to many bruises, I think I caught the worst of it (I got hit close range with an airsoft gun on my finger) I am so glad that they decided to come visit me, I was a little sad that I couldn't make the 10 hour road trip with them today. Some other time I guess!