If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Monday, June 3, 2013

a window into...

So here's the deal... I would consider myself a pretty private person - for the most part.  Part of that is because I like to think of myself as an fierce independent person who doesn't need anyone to worry about her.  Part of that is because there is a small (yet crazy) part that often feels like if people want to know they can ask and really who cares about the craziness that is me - ?!?!...Yikes - I just admitted that, but I am working on fixing both problems.

But today - - well today I am going to throw open the window of my life a little - go out on a limb - open up my sharing circle and give you a small glimpse into my life right now - feel free to leave this blog now, I am not sure exactly how interesting it may be...

Throughout my life I have lived in 7 different towns - including the one place I said I would NEVER EVER live.  I have had 10 real grown up jobs - some of them have been as fun as selling pigs and tires to the crazy Accountant/HR Manager/Customer Service Manager/Office Manager (Yes all of those at one time).

I have held the title of Daughter, Sister, Friend, Cousin, Aunt, Wife and then Ex-Wife (honestly forget these sometimes), Teacher, Queen of the neighborhood, meanest girl I have ever met, boss, and slave.  My Dad went Home a year and a half ago and I still miss him everyday - even though I know He is okay and Happy.
 I don't cry as much as some people think I should, and sometimes I think I am way to emotional for my own good.

 I have a strong dislike for fuzzy fruit (peaches, apricots....) and tomatoes but I love love love Chocolate.  I collect cookbooks but my cooking skills - well, my food board on pinterest is called "if only my cooking were edible".  Currently I live with family but spend a lot of time dreaming of how I am going to decorate my next home.

I have run a marathon in the past but the thought of walking around the block kind of makes me want to pass out.  I have been labeled by almost everyone who really knows me as a workaholic and am guilty of having no balance in my life. (working on this one...seriously working on it).  

I used to dream about teaching High school, and now I am completely satisfied teaching Sunday School to a group of great teenagers.  While I really like my current job my dream job would be to be an event planner.  I have felt like I could be a motivational speaker in the past, but sometimes get scared talking to people. 

 I love music - most types and I think I surprise most people when Techno music comes across my radio.  I am most happy when I see those around me happy.  I love taking naps.

I sometimes get sad because I may not get the opportunity to bear children in this life but feel extremely blessed when I have an abundance of "mothering" opportunities in my life. I am a control freak and struggle with OCD, but there have been times in the past where I had to bribe my siblings to come clean my house for me.  I have loved and been loved.

Although sometimes I get frustrated because my life hasn't turned out the way that I planned, I find peace in knowing that it is turning out exactly the way that my Heavenly Father planned.  And did I mention - I am pretty stinkin lucky!  Cause I am! 



mad white woman said...

You should do this more often! Of course you had to know I'd read every single word... and enjoy every single word.

I think you're great.