I have taken a few quick moments this season to read a book by Emily Freeman called "A Christ Centered Christmas". It has been a really good learning experience for me. One of the things that I love that she shared was when she talked about driving somewhere with her young daughter and after singing a Christmas carol her daughter said "Mom, I believe in Santa Clause and you believe in Jesus Christ" I thought that was cute! From that she decided that she needed to do a better job at teaching her children the real meaning of Christmas.
When I saw the following video I couldn't help but think of that cute little girl who believed in Santa Clause and know that while she probably does believe in Santa Clause she also believes in Jesus Christ. I love the excitement of Christmas that little kids have.
Now this is a completely rhetorical question but I am going to throw it out there. What are you going to do today to help light up the world? I hope that during the "busy busy" of the day you can find sometime to accomplish that. May you find a moment to remember the real reason we are celebrating.
Have a good night!
On a personal note: I am heading to a new doctor tomorrow, meaning more tests. Hopefully she can figure out what is wrong with me! Looking forward to what she has to say!
*You are probably thinking "What the heck...if you didn't spend so much time writing this blog that nobody reads you would have a lot more time in the world. My response to that is this: Yes you are 100% right but this is one of the 3 things that is keeping me sane and somewhat focused this year.
You my dear... I hope this doctor will be able to find out what is going on with you. I pray that you will find out and you will begin feeling better. To answer your question, I get to go visiting teaching to a lady who doesn't understand english very well (but the spirit is able to send the message) to a lady who has alzheimers and has shown us her house every single time we come (but yet again the spirit is there and I know she understands the spirit) I love you so very much and miss you terrible...
I love your rhetorical question. You always give me things to ponder. Even though its rhetorical here is my answer. Right now my world is my family and my children always light up when I put down my busy work and play with them. I'm thinking crazy eights will make them smile and that lights up my world. Thanks for the thought.
I felt the same way about Christmas this year. It passed by so quickly with lots of hustle and bustle that I never got to enjoy the reason for the season. I didn't even really see the temple lights this year. But one thing to remember, yes there is always something extra special about December and celebrating Christ's birth but luckily we can carry that feeling with us always! Lova ya lots!
I love your blog, I am such a stalker that way.
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