If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Starting out on the left foot...

This morning I got lost.  Well actually I woke up lost.  In my house. I took some NyQuil last night before I went to bed to try and help me with a fever and flu bug I have been battling.  I forgot to lock my door to my room.  I go crazy when I take medication. Apparently I got up sometime during the night and went to another bedroom to sleep. Probably running away from the spiders that were trying to attack me in my dreams.  I don't remember.  I didn't know where I was when I woke up, and I screamed. Really loud.  Glad I am home by myself so no one could hear me.  Go Ahead and laugh.  It is funny now.



Hanie said...

Becca you poor thing! If I could transplant part of my immune system into you I would. Hope you are doing better and pray that you stay health. XOXO! - George