With that being said, I have spent a lot of time the last few days thinking of all the wonderful fatherly examples in my life, particularly that of my own Dad.
Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes.
~Gloria Naylor
How true this is in my life. I know growing up I couldn't wait to get away from home, but now I sit back and have fond remember when memories of times that my dad and I shared together. I remember one time in Young Womens we had a daddy daughter date where we decorated cakes...He had the best looking porcupine cake in the room.
My dad taught me how to change the oil and change a tire. He taught me how to love my mother as I watched him care for his mother. He taught me how to hit a ball, I still let the first pitch go by because that is what he does.
How thankful I am that my Dad was brave enough to love a lady and her four boys and continue to create a wonderful family that while we may not be perfect we are working on it. I am also grateful that he was willing to do what it took to get our family to the temple. I don't think I will ever forget walking into the sealing room, I don't think I really understood what was happening since on the trip to Mesa I asked my dad where they were going to get jars big enough to "seal" us in. I do remember knowing that it was forever.
My Dad has always worked hard to provide me with the opportunities I wanted. He listened painfully through violin practices, piano lessons, me singing "I am a princess" at the top of my lungs. He has watched a hundred concerts, set through a lot of parades and football games. I always knew that even when he wasn't there physically he was thinking of me, and he wanted to be there.
My Dad taught me to enjoy nature and the beauty in it. Some of my favorite memories involve a camping trip. He taught me to slow down and just appreciate it. He helped me discover the joys of traveling to see new places, even if I didn't appreciate it at the time. He has given me a love for all history. He has taught me the importance of patriotism, and the love for God and country. It is hard for me to hold back the tears every time I see him stand and put his hand over his heart in reverence for the flag and our beautiful country.
People who know my dad often tell me that I have his eyes. My dad has beautiful blue eyes, and I am always amazed that people would compare our eyes.
I am so very grateful for my Dad, and when I think of all the things that he has done for me it makes my heart want to sing, and I am filled with happiness indeed.
So today, from a million miles away, I wish you a Happy Fathers Day!
The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
~Author Unknown
I love you Dad!

you are truly amazing!!! I love you so very much and miss you more than you will ever know.
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