If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Simple Prayers & Small Miracles

I have always joked used the joke: When they were handing out the brains in heaven I thought they said trains - and I didn't really like trains so I skipped that line. As funny as that is I think it is completely true about my domestic ability. I am very blessed to have 4 sisters who have all of the domestic skills a girl could possibly want, and then there is me. But I have learned that that is okay, we can't all be domestic, there has to be someone to drive the car (Of course I don't do that well either... Oh well:)). At any rate, tonight was our New Beginnings for Young Women and my assignment was the decorations. The Lord gives us opportunities to make weak things strong right. Anyway I found something that I thought would be really cute for a centerpiece for the table ordered and kind of forgot about the rest of my assignment. Well on Tuesday I was starting to worry a little because my centerpiece still hadn't made it yet. I tried to track it down to see if had been shipped and it had but not delivered yet. On Friday morning I prayed pretty intently that my centerpiece would show up, but that if it didn't I would be inspired to know what to do otherwise. On Saturday after the mail came and the centerpiece didn't show up, and I was a little freaked out so I said another simple little prayer, called at least 10 people to see if my idea would be good enough and headed to the store. Of course once I got to the store my idea changed at least 3 times but here is the finished product:

Moral of the story:
I couldn't have come up with something like this on my own. I know that there are alot of other women who could have done a much better job with this, but Heavenly Father wanted to give me the opportunity to grow a little. Though some might think this prayer was a silly and insignificant prayer, Heavenly Father knew it was something important to me and he answered it. I am so grateful for the small miracles that happen when I put my faith and trust in the Lord. Thanks to all those who were patient with me while I called a million times a day, and those who helped me put it all together. You guys are great!


Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

That looks GREAT Becca! You gotta love those last-minute inspirations!

Holly said...

you are so awesome, the decorations look great. I should have taken pictures of ours. YIKES!!!! I miss you so much. I hope that someday you will be able to come and visit us for more than a day. We love you. Seriously already the phone needs a proper barial and then replaced it hasn't worked good since we moved. :) Hope you have a great week.

Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

It looks great! You should give yourself more credit. You always do great work. Hey, my cell totally crashed on me and I lost your phone number. Give me a call sometime so that I can add it into my new phone. (Same number just a new phone.) Hope to hear from you soon!

Todd,Shara & Mykah said...

Hey Becca, your decorations look great! I always feel like I am lacking in the brain dept...Anyway How have you been doing? When are you coming down again?

Bethie said...

The decorations were fabulous!!!! I can't imagine it could have looked any better - you are amazing!!! Good Times!!! Love ya!