If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Inch by Inch

Fabulous Happenings

Half Marathon
I would love to say I ran the whole thing, because I could have in the past.  
But I didn't.
(I haven't been running much at all since I lost my Dad)
But my feet did carry me 13.1 miles.
I got to dress up with one of my besties, Myndi 
I got to be scared and have great nightmares thanks to Lee. 
And I got to spend a lot of time talking about something someone who is giving me lots of reasons to smile these days. 
Becca & Myndi,
Ready to go at 5 am - We had been awake since 3:30 am!
Me trying to remember that running is fun!

Not what you want to see in your backseat at 5 am!
Yep, you better believe I had nightmares from this one!

Some of my favorite people!  On the bus, headed up to the start of the run
Myndi & I, Finished...Finally!
 If you have seen me "hobbling" this week, I think it was well deserved.  That is what happens when you run down hill right?  
Thanks Lee & Myndi for letting me do this with you!  

Not being able to walk
It reminds me that I never want to get old, and that I am a big baby!  I cried when I had to walk up the 4 steps to get into my house on Sunday after the run. 

confession...this is probably my least favorite holiday of them all, and I think I am justified in having that opinion.  I don't have a good history of halloweens past.  But, with that being said.... this year was actually pretty fun.  I got to spend the morning getting my friend Amy and her kids ready to go. 
 Amy was Cruella De Ville, Averi was the Corpse Bride, Briggs was Frankenstien & 
Maggie was Glenda, The Good Witch. 
Maggie & spent most of the day together, I got to see some of my Pinnacle Friends, and then we got ready for our wards "Trunk or Treat" that night.  I was DONE by the time 3pm came around so I was a party pooper and didn't dress up.  
(I figure I had already dressed up twice for the month, I didn't need to do it again)
At the ward Trunk or Treat...Recognize the clown??? You  should!  (see above Pictures)
I might have kicked the 4 year old out of her stroller because I COULD NOT WALK ANYMORE.
Go ahead sing it "Fat girl in a little stroller" you know you want to :)

Getting Briggs Franky ready to go

Corpse Bride

Glenda, The Good Witch
Thanks guys for letting me spend the day with you, and for letting me help you get ready to go!  Can't wait for the Pippy Long Stockings, Zombie, & Pink Puppy next year! 
P.S. (Isn't Amy SO STINKIN CREATIVE....Yep, she came up with all of these costumes...Pretty Fabulous!)

Being without Power
Someone didn't consult me before a landslide happened taking out power from Provo to Manti.
I was just getting ready to blow dry my hair, and so I decided to take my mothers advice and "get GLAD in the same shoes I was mad in" and take a little bit longer to read and study my scriptures.  Had some fabulous insight because of it.
(PS - I am okay to be without power, just not on a morning when I have 90 million things to do and I need to look cute doing them)

Trip to AZ
Wonderful trip to Arizona with a lot of really fun sights:
Snow on the hills in Moab
Gas station in Holbrook (Sometimes it is a long ways from Ganado to Holbrook)
Spending time visiting with my sweet cousin Jen Ray

Mesa Temple
Talk about a crazy afternoon...left me feeling not so fabulous (could be from running on 2 hours of sleep, but.....
I got to spend some time with my sweet sister Heather & of course she tried to make the best of the situation.  We ended up spending some great time in the Mesa Temple.
It was great to be there with her.
It was great to be in the Mesa temple, I haven't been back to do a session there since I got my endowments there....a REALLY long time ago.
They have made the whole headphone translator thing a lot easier than it used to be.
(we went to the last session of the day, which happened to be the Spanish Session)

Sweet Reminders 
I have so many wonderful people in my life, and every day when I count my blessings I am amazed at all of the sweet reminders of the goodness of my life.  Sometimes it comes through random text messages, some times through crazy conversations after a knock on my door.  Sometimes it comes from a line in a song, a picture, a memory, a laugh, a smile, or even a tear.  Sometimes it comes from RANDOMLY running into an old friend (it was so fun to see you Tommy)

I used to laugh when people would say:
Inch by Inch its a cinch
Yard by Yard it's hard
( Confession: there have been times when I have spouted this off to try and cure the woes of the world)

by this week I have thought a lot about it.
There are days - Mostly just the ones that end in "y" that the over all circumstances of my life are not the ones that I would have chose (as if I had the choice right) but still...sometimes I get overwhelmed.

When I try and take it "inch by inch" and find the goodness of life,
which usually helps when I focus on smaller blocks of time it becomes easier to deal with.

Clear as Mud?

Have a fabulous week!



Holly said...

Have a GREAT time in Arizona. Congratulations on the run. (one day I am going to be like you, maybe I can make it to the end of the driveway.. as I am not a runner hehehe) I miss you like crazy girl and pray for you always. Love you tons!!!

mad white woman said...

You are so brave for finishing. I was supposed to run a 5k and wimped out. :)