If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Friday, November 26, 2010

To start the season:

Confession:  I like many of you want to be a better person.  I want to be more Christ like, more giving, more quick to lend a hand, less selfish, slower to judge, a better peacemaker.  I have had several thoughts on my mind especially the last month, and I have come to a decision.  This holiday season I want to make it a truly "Christ Centered Christmas"... I am looking for any ideas to help me accomplish this.  Any suggestions?


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day


Ray Stevens- Thank you


One Year Older and Wiser too....


To Me you are:

  • Someone who knows me and still loves me
  •  Someone who knows when I need a hug
  •  Someone who makes me smile when you think of them
  • Someone to think about when the windows rattle in a storm
  • Someone who makes the world a better place by just being there
  • Someone who accepts me for who and what I am
  • Someone who stands by me even on your off days
  •  Someone who would walk through pouring rain to pick a flower for me
  •  Someone to laugh, cry or play with me when you need a friend
  •  Someone to help me in the tough times but let me learn from my mistakes
  • Someone who knows what I am worth it
  • Someone who takes time out of her crazy busy life of being a mom and wife to make sure I get a spiritual message just for me
  • Someone who is great, just because you are you
  • Someone who I miss everyday, but I know you are always there when I need you
  • Someone who is patient with me, even when I don't call or write
  • Someone who I can't imagine not being in my life
  • Someone I thank Heavenly Father for every day

I hope that you have a great day!  Wish I could be there to enjoy it with you.  Love you tons!

ps...Don't die of shock, but your present is in the mail!  
