If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Well then...

So I am still alive... I know some days even I wonder that.  Looking at my blog I realized that it has been a really long time since I wrote an informative post, and not just something that I felt good about. 

It is funny to realize that we are half way through January, and guess what... No new years resolutions. It was on my to do list for the last three weeks, but I always run out of day before I run out of things!  Besides, it is easier to keep them if you don't make them right.  Instead I decided I am just going to try and be better every day.  There are a bizillion little things that I need to do every day, and I am hoping that they will add up to be big changes.  You know those changes that you can look back and say... Why did I ever live like that?   I know it is easy to get discouraged and think I need to do it all at once, but this last year has brought me some harsh but great reality.  I can't do it all.  Sorry to all of those who I had fooled into thinking I was super girl! (Okay... I am being honest...Sorry Sid) It just isn't possible nor is it supposed to be. 

So what am I doing these days?? 

First of all... I am smiling.  Have you ever noticed how many funny things there are in the world?  I am also smiling about all of the blessings that I receive daily.  I have a great life! 

I am also still serving in the YW presidency in my ward.  I am almost positive that I have the best YW in the entire world in my ward.  This weekend we took them on an overnight trip and they stayed up all night giggling.  Okay... a little honesty...yesterday at 3pm when I came home and crashed for 15 hours I might have not been thinking that, but today....It's True!  I feel like Heavenly Father must know how much I need the strength of these wonderful YW to keep me moving forward in life.  They make me smile a lot.

I started school last week...AGAIN.  I am still a junior in status, but after this semester I will have over 100 credits.  Sadly, most of those are just fluffy electives that are doing me no good towards my degree program, but look at all the knowledge I am gaining in re-doing them. (Trying to convince myself)!  I am not sure when I will be done...Someday!  I am just trying to apply that "Cheerfully do all things" part of the scriptures.  I am realizing that Math should be required of all college Freshman and that they should have to continue doing it until they have all of the required math classes done.  Patience! 

I am still working at Pinnacle Security.  We have made some well needed changes to our departments management, and it is back to where I enjoy going to work.  We are starting the beginning of our busy season, and it looks like I will be traveling again this year.  It is fun to get out of the office every once in a while and still get paid for it! 

And Finally.... I am starting to feel healthy again after having mono, swine flu, and every other flu bug that went around the state of Utah this fall.  I started walking this week thanks to the help of my sweet friend Jana.  It has been hard to get back into the swing of things.  I had to laugh while walking the other day...a lady ran past me and I just thought to myself.  I used to think this was fun.  Even though it isn't fun right now I am so very thankful that I actually have enough energy that I can do it. 

"When asked if my cup is half-full or half-empty
my only response is that I am thankful I have a cup."
Sam Lefkowitz

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the times that you have supported and lifted me, to help keep me smiling... when I thought I couldn't go on another day. I am smiling, and it is because of such wonderful family and friends like you! Hope you are all well and happy.  


Holly said...

I am so glad that you are doing better. I love to hear you are smiling. I am sad though you are doing it without us. I am glad all is looking up. YIPPY!!! As Annie always says "the sun will come out tomorrow" It is one of my favorite songs ever. Love ya tons!!!!

Eva said...

Hi Becca, I added your blog to my side bar, hope thats okay. I feel like a stalker if I dont tell! Thanks for all your sweet comments on your blog. It's always uplifting.

Devin and Melinda said...

Hey! So glad you are feeling better! It makes such a difference! It seems like we are just spinning our wheels too sometimes, but then we look back at all the things we are doing and have accomplished and realize how far we've come. I didn't reallly set any resolutions either...I am always a little behind it seems like. Have a great day!!

Hanie said...

You may not be Super Girl (and neither am I) but you definitely have a SUPER AMAZING FANTASTIC Spirit!! I miss you tons and hope that 2010 is better than 2009. Keep the smiling going. --George

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you're feeling better. Keep posting cause I love to hear what you're up to.
Love ya

Oh yeah, had a baby girl on Thanksgiving Day. Named her Reese Elizabeth