If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Here you leave today...

At my Dad's funeral my Uncle Kim paid a great tribute to my Dad, but one of my favorite things that I often think about is when he said "Driving a nice car was never important to Kenneth, but every year Kenneth took his family on a vacation". (Or Something like that)   Maybe it was his way of trying to teach this selfish daughter that the "things" in life don't matter. Maybe he wanted to build his kids character...Driving around in a big blue rainbow van will do that you know.  Maybe my Dad knew how much I would need those memories to get me through not having him here now.

These trips weren't always expensive or to some place exotic, unless you count the white mountains of Arizona exotic.  Some of our favorite vacations were camping trips to Browns Springs, trips to Utah and Colorado, and  we even got to go to Disneyland a few times.

Going to Disneyland was easier to do once we got older, and we went four times as much in the last 10 years than we did the 20 before...Sadly yes I am that old.  Anyway...My Dad and Sisters were planning a trip to Disneyland when Kristin came home from her mission.

And so we went...We didn't go until February, but we went.  Some days I wish I wasn't such a sentimental person.  When I landed in LA I got a little choked up, knowing Dad wasn't going to be there to pick me up this time as he had the other times I had flown in for our trip, but it was okay.

The trip was great, it really was, it was also really hard.  One of those firsts, one of those times you realize you didn't realize yet another area where you depended on Dad.  We had a great time, laughed a lot, cried a little, slept a little, walked a lot, ate way to much, got a little wet, but it was great!  There were quite a few times when I would look over my shoulder thinking that Dad was there. Maybe He was.

Mom wanted to get us all matching shirts
Grumpy shirts just seemed fitting
My Dad loved Grumpy. 

Thank you to the angels who lovingly gave us a generous gift that we used to pay for the trip.  We pray that your family is blessed for what you were willing to do to help us remember Dad. How blessed we all are.



mad white woman said...

This post makes me really happy and really sad. It seems like death makes things more bitter and more sweet, all at once. That darn opposition.

I'm glad you got to go and that makes me laugh that Grumpy was your dad's favorite. Ha ha. :)