If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Giant Birthday Cake

Last night I realized I was missing something. When I was a little girl I remember waiting for forever for Santa Clause to come. It seems like he couldn't get here fast enough. For weeks I would think about what Christmas would be like, what I was going to get. I don't have that anymore, I honestly think it is because this month has been so full of the hustle and bustle of December. I have had a terrible problem of taking on way too much on this month, and not meaning to complain but because of that I feel like I haven't been able to fully enjoy the month. There have been a lot of things that I have wanted to do, but the reality is they probably aren't going to happen because I have just run out of time (and energy). *

I have taken a few quick moments this season to read a book by Emily Freeman called "A Christ Centered Christmas". It has been a really good learning experience for me. One of the things that I love that she shared was when she talked about driving somewhere with her young daughter and after singing a Christmas carol her daughter said "Mom, I believe in Santa Clause and you believe in Jesus Christ" I thought that was cute! From that she decided that she needed to do a better job at teaching her children the real meaning of Christmas.

When I saw the following video I couldn't help but think of that cute little girl who believed in Santa Clause and know that while she probably does believe in Santa Clause she also believes in Jesus Christ. I love the excitement of Christmas that little kids have.

Now this is a completely rhetorical question but I am going to throw it out there. What are you going to do today to help light up the world? I hope that during the "busy busy" of the day you can find sometime to accomplish that. May you find a moment to remember the real reason we are celebrating.

Have a good night!
On a personal note: I am heading to a new doctor tomorrow, meaning more tests. Hopefully she can figure out what is wrong with me! Looking forward to what she has to say!

*You are probably thinking "What the heck...if you didn't spend so much time writing this blog that nobody reads you would have a lot more time in the world. My response to that is this: Yes you are 100% right but this is one of the 3 things that is keeping me sane and somewhat focused this year.


Sunday, December 12, 2010


"Before faith or knowledge is found, before joy or happiness is experienced, before the healing begin, one emotion starts to stir from deep within the depths of despair. It is hope." - Emily Freeman

The last few months I have had many many opportunities to reflect on hope, to evaluate what I hope for, and to realize what I hope in.  I was able to attend Time Out for Women twice this year, the theme this year was infinite hope.  One of my favorite things that I took away from the meeting was this - The things I find Hope in will sustain me while I wait for the things on my hope for list to happen.  How great is that!  I love it when a simple truth hits me on the head and just make since but brings me comfort and peace and clarity.  

This Christmas season I have had many opportunities to recognize HOPE in my life.  I have hope in the atonement of Jesus Christ, I have hope in the Lords plan of happiness, I find hope in a knowledge that my Savior and Father in Heaven know me personally.  I find HOPE in the knowledge that my Savior does not make up the differences in my life, but that He makes all the difference.  I find HOPE in knowing that He will be with me in my darkest hours, to help me and comfort me, to give me strength and help me see JOY!  

This weekend my hope increased... I was so blessed to spend one last weekend with two of the cutest kids in the world.   After spending about 3 hours of trying to keep Mason asleep and finally figuring out He would stay asleep if he could feel my hand My HOPE was strengthened and increased.  I find HOPE in knowing that someday I will be able to be a mother.  My hope was increased again when I read the blog of a sweet example in my life who was able to take her 2nd little adopted angel to the Temple to be sealed to their Family.  Hope is alive in me, and I know it is because I have a Father who loves me.  

I love the following clip from Elder Holland.  Someday's it is hard for me to realize that I am not in charge, and than all of my blessings won't come when I demand them, but I have HOPE that they will come! 

May you all find hope in this Christmas season.  


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Where's the line to see Jesus

So... I have decided if I want to have a Christ centered Christmas I need to center my life around Christ.  Pretty simple right, but that is me, most of the time I put way to much work into thinking of a solution that I miss the simplicity of the real answer.  I have found a lot of really good ideas from a book by Emily Freeman "A Christ Centered Christmas".

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is always going to the Forgotten Carols by Michael McLean.  I have seen this show quite a few times (It is on DVD) and every single time I am completely touched and taken back by what seems to be a different part of the program.  Of course I will be honest and say I cried through the whole thing but there was several parts that particularly called my name.

A song that for years has touched my heart "What I need"

All I ever wanted,
All I ever dreamed of
Everything I hoped
And all the things I prayed for
Couldn't hold a candle to what I've been given
I've been given what I need

No mansion on a hill
Or Love like in the movies
Perfect little dreams
Where no one has a problem
Instead of all those things I thought I really wanted
I've been given what I need

Even when I didn't understand
When I thought you had no heart
Thank you for rejecting my demands
And always giving me the better part

All I ever wanted,
All I ever dreamed of
Everything I hoped
And all the things I prayed for
Couldn't hold a candle to what I've been given 
I've been given what I need
(Michael McLean)

Now don't call me crazy, I still wish for things - - Prince Charming, perfect Children, a house, to be finished with school.  But I know that right now at this very moment in my life I have what I need.  I firmly believe that there will be a time and a place for those things in my life, but it's not today.  

How thankful I am for the times that my loving Father in Heaven has said "No" even to some of the very most righteous desires of my heart.  In the last four years I feel like I have grown up a lot and become more of who I was meant to be instead of a selfish little girl who I had been.  How thankful I am for a patient Father in Heaven who doesn't give up on me, even when I give him plenty of grief.  

What a blessing it is to me to have this holiday season to remember and try to give thanks for the wonderful gift of the Savior of the world.  May we all find time to remember Him this month. May we spend as much if not more time looking for Jesus as we do for Santa
