I have taken a few quick moments this season to read a book by Emily Freeman called "A Christ Centered Christmas". It has been a really good learning experience for me. One of the things that I love that she shared was when she talked about driving somewhere with her young daughter and after singing a Christmas carol her daughter said "Mom, I believe in Santa Clause and you believe in Jesus Christ" I thought that was cute! From that she decided that she needed to do a better job at teaching her children the real meaning of Christmas.
When I saw the following video I couldn't help but think of that cute little girl who believed in Santa Clause and know that while she probably does believe in Santa Clause she also believes in Jesus Christ. I love the excitement of Christmas that little kids have.
Now this is a completely rhetorical question but I am going to throw it out there. What are you going to do today to help light up the world? I hope that during the "busy busy" of the day you can find sometime to accomplish that. May you find a moment to remember the real reason we are celebrating.
Have a good night!
On a personal note: I am heading to a new doctor tomorrow, meaning more tests. Hopefully she can figure out what is wrong with me! Looking forward to what she has to say!
*You are probably thinking "What the heck...if you didn't spend so much time writing this blog that nobody reads you would have a lot more time in the world. My response to that is this: Yes you are 100% right but this is one of the 3 things that is keeping me sane and somewhat focused this year.