If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dear Holly -

Dear Holly -

Posting this the night before your birthday because I don't want to miss it.  First and foremost ... Let me remind you.  I am a baby.  I am sitting here at my computer tonight crying.... Two reasons:  1 - Realizing that while last week in my moment of not wanting to live anymore (Thank you swine flu) I forgot to get your card & book (I know you are already dying to know what it is...) in the mail (remember last year it only took me until February), hoping you can forgive me and 2 - When I think about the ways you have blessed my life I can't help but cry. 

~ James Earl Jones

Remember the first time I showed up at your house.  I was there to do my duty as a sad scared little girl who didn't fit in anywhere posing as a visiting teacher.  I was amazed at all of the warmth that was inside the walls of your home - all the wonderful Disney everywhere, and your love of people.   I am pretty sure I didn't say more than two words at that meeting, but that was okay with you.  You still let me come back.  What was greater is the next time you opened your door as a true friend who could see beyond that tough "I'm okay" shell to see the broken heart that I liked to keep hidden.  You didn't ask a million questions or make me tell you my story, you just loved me.  What developed over the next three years has gone down in my book of "super fabulous" things in my life.  "Super Fabulous" are the Thatcher Family, the way that they have let me become part of thier family, the way they have opened up thier home and thier hearts, & "Super Fabulous" the people that they are, and "Super Fabulous" the way they leave you feeling. 

"People love others not for who they are,
but for how they make them feel."

~Irwin Federman.

And so my dear friend Holly.... Today I celebrate with you, even if it is from a million miles away.  Happy Birthday!  I hope this day is filled with the same "Super Fabulous" that you have filled my life with.  For all of the million and one things you do for me, I thank you.  May you have a little pie or cookies or what ever else you choose, (since you don't like cake)  and remember all those like me, whose world is a much better place because Holly Hansen Thatcher has touched it.    

"There are two important days in a woman's life-the day she is born and the day she finds out why."
~ Elaine Cannon

Missing you and wishing that Casper were a little closer tonight.  Celebrate!  You deserve it.




Holly said...

you are AMAZING!!!!! I really honestly don't think I have touched your life the way you have mine. Words really can not say how I feel. I really do miss you a ton, wish I was closer to help you out. You are part of the family, if you like it or not you are stuck with us for eternity. Bec, I love you so much. I am making a chocolate cake as I type this. How pathetic huh???? Wish you lived closer so we could go to lunch. Olive Garden is opening up so maybe you will have to make a trip. :) Please remember when you are down and not wanting to push any more that you are loved more than you will ever know. That we are here for you no matter what. I am a phone call away, a text away or I will come and get you. Our door is always open and we will ALWAYS have a place for you in our home. I love you and thank you for remembering my birthday. P.S. You and Ashleigh are the only ones that can get me to cry. Thanks! I needed a good eye cleaning.