If you can LAUGH at it,

You can LIVE with it!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I don't know if this needs a disclaimer or not, but I am not telling you this to make you feel bad for me, but to simply make you laugh! Please laugh with me!

See this lady:

She looks nice right, even has the puppy in the picture to make her seem sweet. Let me just tell you, she isn't very nice! For the last few weeks I have been participating in a contest to get healthy. One of the requirements of the contest is that you exercise 30 min every day. Well I am a big sucker for most things and so a year ago I recieved an advertisment to get fit with Jillian Michaels. I did a little research and decided she had a pretty good program so I ordered her DVD's. Well to be honest they have been setting on my shelf for a year! Anyway I decided to use her program as part of my exercising for the contest. Miss Jillian does not know the meaning of the work easy workout. My favorite DVD is the 30 day shred, which promises that if you do the workout for 30 days you will be shreded and look great by the time you are done. Well I have been doing it for 2 weeks now, and I am still on level one, just barely getting to the full intensity of the program. At any rate - on Wednesday night I was working hard trying to keep the intensity up until the very last minute and I came down out of a little kick boxing move and landed really really hard on my knee and kind of slipped back on it. Not exactly sure what I did but it started to hurt really bad after that. On Thursday I limped around looking like a dummy, and on Friday I was in real pain. The professionals said that I didn't rip anything which was good for me. They got me a brace, told me to take IB profen, Do Ice & Heat Therepy and stay off of it. As you all know I am not very good at listening - I did do the Ice & Heat therapy (Thank you Amy) and I kept the brace on, but staying off of it and & the Drug thing. Yeah I am just not very good with all of that. On Saturday Oliver brought me home another enemy that is supposed to be a friend:

Although I have been able to get around a lot faster, I am not sure if I like them. Now here is the funny part. Last night after stake confrence I was coming home and there are 4 steps to get into my house. I was trying to get in the house as quickly as I could and getting frustrated with the crutches because I couldn't figure out how to get up the stairs with them and my nieghbor was behind me trying to help me up the stairs and I didn't want to make people wait on me so I just jumped or at least tried to. Landing firmly on my dumb knee. Although I wasn't laughing at the time I am now. I am sure that it would have been hillarious for anybody to watch!

Here are a few tips to help you bring laughter to the surface during tough times.

-Find humour in all things. Recognize the absurdity or ridiculousness of situations and circumstances.

-Laugh at yourself. Be a little silly, over-exaggerate your simple mistakes, embellish a few of your shortcomings

-Be spontaneous. The element of surprise is priceless, improvise and act on the unexpected

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Prov. 17:22). Humor allows us to view our lives in a more positive light, deal with personal conflicts and intolerance, and cope with trials and frustrations that might otherwise seem overwhelming. As we are told in Ecclesiastes, there is “a time to laugh” (Eccl. 3:4)

May you all have something to laugh at. Remember that life is way to short not to enjoy it!


the cates said...

Oh Becca! I'm sorry but I...um...chuckeled...yeah thats the word, sorry you are having bad luck! Stay away from people that want to hurt you, and DO NOT give them money to do it!

Holly said...

I hope your knee starts feeling better. Isn't it the truth about laughter. There are many days okay maybe most days that I just have to laugh about what is going on in our lifes. If not I think I would be at the state mental. If I was still in Utah at least I would know some of the workers. :) We love you and think of you multiple times a day. Hope you have a good one and get better soon.

Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

LOL oh, you poor girl LOL ( I wanted to hide my sympathy for you among the laughter...)

matt is constantly ridiculing me for not sticking with Dr's orders...So your in good company!

Katie and Travis Melser said...

Doesn't it suck getting older and getting injured, but just like you I have to laugh, it is just ridiculous how things happen sometimes and there is nothing you can do (except maybe follow the doctor's orders!). Thanks for posting on my site. I don't have those green shoes anymore, I don't even have any idea where they are, too bad. I do remember hanging out with Chris, those were some fun nights running around being our own brand of hooligan. Hope your knee starts doing better.

Hanie said...

Dear Dear Becca! What are we going to do with you?! I guess just laugh and hope that all is okay. Do take care of the knee please. If you don't you will end up like David and have a PCL and ACL from some dead person in your knee. Take care!